“Society undervalues play while perpetuating permanent adolescence.” BOOM ! 💥 a real mish mash of priorities or what!?! No wonder there is no balance and we are so far away from it. (Collectively speaking). I’ve been quietly celebrating my astonishing ability to let go of the push, the struggle, the strive in my meditation this morning. As of this year, it is no longer a part of me. What a dead weight to release. Excited to see where it will take me and what it opens up space for. A lot of ease, flow abundance I imagine.

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It’s interesting when they research traditional hunter gatherer communities they talk about more ‘indulgent’ behaviour towards their children. More touch and reassurance. It’s a world almost entirely of play based behaviour. Less anxiety about obedience, responsible and self-reliance behaviours. The children aren’t taught the thousands of different plants they need knowledge of they simply observe and interact through play.

Obviously as adults they need to know how to hunt and source food from the wild. The stakes are high and yet the anxiety and over correcting culture is less.

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So interesting ! It’s so widely known that we use play to initiate education in the early stages yet phase it out only for anxiety to kick in🤔

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Quietly letting go sounds like a very advanced practice indeed. Well done you! 🥰

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This article really struck a chord. Isn't it odd how it seems to be a common occurrence that we transition being entirely forward- looking, to looking backwards? I've particularly found this since hitting 40. This has coupled with a change in direction since Covid; I just don't have the same 'industrious drive' as I once did. I don't know how much the two are linked, or whether they are coincidences. It's interesting to hear you have had experiences, thoughts, and feelings within this sphere. I'm not sure whether that's any comfort or help (which might infer a negative undertone to the experience, which I don't feel is the case for me)! Buy it's always good to have additional context!

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