I think we're going to do a little experiment alongside y'all. We've had a giant heap I haven't been turning well due to my back pain. I'm going to actually go back to the first kind of compost tub we had - the one I had the best results with - a plastic tub with lots of holes drilled in. The picture of the Subpod reminded me of it. I think we will split our scraps between the two compost methods and see how they compare. I do know the smaller tub is more manageable. I will keep you updated!

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Oh that's amazing! Running your own experiment love it!! There's nothing magic about the subpods per se. They are well executed but I think so long as the holes are big enough for the worms to get through into the soil with some holes above ground level to let in air if you're putting a lid on it'll be sweet! Good luck! Let us know how it goes.

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