Allow yourslef to be a bit more shit.
OK, so it’s not the most sophisticated thing I’ve ever said, and it might be a terrible way to introduce myself as a spiritual mediator, but I’ve said it now.
Let’s see if I can convince you that allowing the, ‘shit-version-of-you’, a time to shine, just might make you a softer, kinder, more love-filled person.
I see a wide range of people on my couch (my ‘massage couch’, I’m no *psychotherapist', - although my INFP Myers–Briggs Type Indicator would lend itself to being one…maybe someday, one day a career change, who knows!?)
No, I’m a body-worker, and I see people, mostly women, occasionally guys, but I see people who tend to think, privately, deep down that they’re not as good as they think they should be.
Somehow, deep down, you, we, us…we think we’re not enough.
You might need to take a few deep breaths just to soften after reading that last line.
And it’s OK, we all have these abandoned shadow fragments. The parts of ourselves that didn’t quite meet with approval from our parents, or society at large, when you were growing up.
You are not alone.
Feeling you’re not good enough is one thing, but convincing other people you’re good enough when you haven’t yet convinced yourself, is exhausting…and isolating, and just plain lonely.
There’s the fake smiles and telling everyone you’re “Good thanks!” when you’re not good. Even on the days when you’re far from good, you project goodness from every angle of your body. You hold yourself the way a good girl or boy holds her or himself…demure if you’re a girl or with authority and confidence if you’re a boy.
Some days we just want to hold ourselves like a sack of shit because that’s what we’re feeling inside. Because we’ve just had 2 years of pandemic catastrophe….because there’s a war on…because people are hurting, animals are suffering….the powerless and marginalised have no voice…let’s face it, there’s plenty of reason to feel shitty.
So why don’t we just show it?
I invite you to allow yourself to be just a little bit less than the perfectly, perfect happy, positive beam-of-yoga-sunshine the world has come to know you as.
Be grumpy with the people you need to feel grumpy with.
Give yourself that dignity of being a fully rounded human-being. A little bit fun at times, a little bit arsey at others. Love filled and anger enraged. Bitter and resentful…who knows you might even allow yourself some jealousy!
Try it; It’s actually hard to do.
We don’t want to be this way in the world. We don’t want to be shitty to people already struggling with a shitty world.
But actually this level of honesty, is the only way we’re ever going to get through this mess. To acknowledge our failings and actually live from that place.
If you try it as a practice...slowly, over time, you’ll find yourself softening somehow and I don’t exactly know why!?
Eventually you’ll just see yourself as less than perfect and come to the quiet conclusion… “You know what…That’s OK!”
I’m not the greatest father, husband, body worker, human, but I’m working on it.
And i’ll continue to work on it, and with the Grace of Divine mercy I’ll never give up working on it!
But for now…
I’m a bit shit.
And that’s OK :)
This though - “But actually this level of honesty, is the only way we’re ever going to get through this mess. To acknowledge our failings and actually live from that place.”
oh, hi there!